4 Ways To Build Your Biceps

Strong arms are important for many reasons. Having toned biceps is not just good for appearances, but solid upper body strength is beneficial to your overall health as well. With toned arms, you can increase your endurance and physical strength. If you pace yourself and stick to a steady workout routine, you can soon build up the muscles in your arms and start a healthier lifestyle for yourself. Read on for four ways you can better build up your biceps.

1. Improve Your Diet

The first big step toward a healthy lifestyle is a better diet to accompany your exercises. Minimize your intake of sugary and processed foods and be sure to get a good balance of vegetables and proteins in your diet. You can also take vitamin supplements and find the best protein powder to incorporate into your diet.

Drink plenty of water every day, as staying hydrated is important. Try to cut back on any sugary drinks such as sodas and replace them with water when possible. Once you maintain a healthy diet, your exercises will produce better results.

2. Do Arm Curls

One of the best exercises you can do to tone your biceps is arm curls with weights. You can use a barbell or one dumbbell in each hand. Whichever style of weight you choose, the standing arm curl position remains the same.

Stand with your back straight and your elbows tight. With your hands on the weight, slowly curl the weight up to your chest and lower it back to the starting position. Be sure to take this movement slowly and remember to breathe. 

If you use two dumbbells instead of one barbell, you can alternate each arm curl in addition to lifting both weights simultaneously. Be sure to not do too many lifts at once, instead, stick to about eight to ten curls at one time. If you are new to lifting weights, start with a light set and gradually work your way to heavier weights when you become more accustomed to bicep curls.

3. Do Push-Ups

A push-up is a simple exercise that you can do without the need of any weights or extra equipment. All you need is a flat surface to lie down on, face first. Place your palms flat on the floor with your arms shoulder width apart, keep your legs together and extended behind you, point your body forward, and use your upper body strength to push yourself upward.

Lower yourself back to the floor and repeat the process until you have reached your goal number. Maintain a slow and steady rhythm, making sure to not go too quickly or overexert yourself. Also be sure to inhale and exhale as you do this and any other exercise. 

4. Do Pull-Ups

When you are more confident in your arm strength, you can try pull-ups, which can work both your biceps and your upper body in general. This exercise requires a bar that allows you to grip with both hands and hang. Keep your hands spread apart with your palms facing toward you, and pull yourself up until your chin hangs over the bar. Lower back down and repeat as many times as you can. This exercise takes time and practice to master, so don’t be discouraged if you have difficulty the first time. Take it slowly and keep practicing.

Once you have stronger biceps, you will find your upper body strength in general has improved. From here, you can try other exercises to work the rest of your body. With a combination of a steady workout routine and a healthy diet, you can be on your way toward better overall health.