5 Helpful Social Media Advertising Tips

Social media advertising is big business, growing more than 12% in 2020 to $41.5 billion. With people constantly looking at social media posts, there is no better place to advertise than social media. Making those ad dollars work for your business and maximizing your reach can lead to big rewards.

What are the best ways to reach your customer base? New customers? How do you get noticed?

Here are five helpful tips when advertising on social media.

1. Know Your Audience for Social Media Advertising

Knowing your demographics (age, gender, income, etc.) before spending any money is key. You want to know everything you can about your customer base and who is using or could potentially be using your product or brand. While younger people use social media more, the number of older adults using social media is growing with nearly 70% of adults using at least one platform.

Finding out who is using these digital media platforms is important when spending your social media advertising dollars. 

For example, more women use Snapchat and Pinterest while YouTube and Twitter are split evenly between men and women. In addition, there are ways to automate Instagram marketing especially when you know your demographics. 

2. Know Your Calendar Dates

Opening your phone to find out it’s National Hot Dog Day or National Dress Your Pet Day might seem funny, but learn to use these calendar days for social media advertising. If your business is bread or pet costumes, you can piggyback on these calendar days for your social media posts. 

The possibilities are endless. Stuck on ideas? There are plenty online.

3. Keep Mobile Design at the Forefront

Think about mobile devices when creating your advertising. Jamming a lot of print in a small place can make your digital media post look cluttered and too busy.

Make sure your brand is large enough to read and stress prominence. Be sure the text is in a readable font and your message is short and to the point. Snappy is the best!

Use a “call to action” or CTA on your ad as a way for people to click and learn more about your product or company. Most importantly, including how to contact you for more information. 

4. Location-Based Ads

Target customers based on their location. If you are a travel business selling regional vacations, target customers based in the metropolitan areas that are within driving distance from the resort or attraction. 

Your salon business may only reach people within 30 miles of your location, so target them within the region so as to get the most customers possible. 

5. Be Consistent When Posting

Consistency is key in how to advertise on social media. Be sure to post on social media daily to keep content fresh and current. Keeping your posts the same length and size will help with consistency.

Your tone and consistency will help you keep your current fan base and help you to grow your social media ads.

Tips for Advertising on Social Media

Knowing how to advertise on social media can reap big benefits. Being smart about social media advertising by learning about demographics, important dates, ad design, ad location, and consistent posting are all good tips.

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