5 Symptoms Indicating That You Need a Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Obesity is a serious problem for millions of people. Being overweight is problematic in and of itself, but it also increases the risk of developing several serious health problems. Despite their best efforts, many people who struggle with obesity remain overweight despite regular diet and exercise. That’s when individuals might start thinking about bariatric procedures like a gastric bypass. Obesity is a risk factor for various diseases, including cancer, and can contribute to treatment-related morbidity.

While lifestyle changes and medication can often manage weight-related issues, some individuals face persistent challenges that necessitate surgical intervention. If you find yourself battling severe obesity accompanied by health complications such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, or sleep apnea, it may be time to explore surgical options like the gastric sleeve. However, the decision to undergo such a procedure should not be taken lightly. Seeking guidance from a surgeon specialized in Brisbane Gastro-Oesophageal Surgery (or something similar elsewhere) is essential.

The ability to eat less at once and feel full sooner can be achieved by having your stomach shrunk. The amount of hunger hormones your stomach can produce is also lowered, serving a dual purpose. When it comes to losing weight, gastric sleeve surgery is often regarded as one of the most successful methods. When other weight loss methods have failed, this procedure can help you get back to a healthy weight and stay there.

5 Indicators that Gastric Sleeve Surgery Might Be Necessary

man in white dress shirt wearing white goggles

Those people who meet the following criteria may benefit from a gastric balloon procedure.

  1. A BMI of 40 or Greater Indicates That You Are Obese

Individuals with a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or above who need to drop 80 pounds or more are good candidates for weight loss surgery. Those who match these criteria will almost certainly be accepted for the operation. If your body mass index (BMI) is 35 or more, you probably have weight-related health problems.

Individuals with BMI of 35 are not automatically eligible for gastric bypass surgery; however, weight-related health concerns may alter this. A person with a BMI between 35 and 39 may be considered for candidacy if they have a serious health problem related to their weight. Diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and liver and gallbladder problems are just some diseases that can develop from excess body fat.

  1. When You Want to improve Your Health and Length of Life


Realizing the potential health risks of obesity is a crucial step when committing to weight loss surgery. You want to feel more confident and attractive, but you also want to increase your chances of living a long and healthy life. Those that care about you hope the same thing for you.

Wanting to increase your mobility is an excellent indicator that weight loss surgery is the right choice. Having enough stamina to pursue your interests and set your schedule is important. Combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise, surgical weight loss makes all of this achievable.

Studies have shown that those who undergo drastic weight loss procedures experience fewer health problems, including cancer. Longer lifespans are another benefit of bariatric surgery, like the gastric sleeve.

  1. Prevalence to Cancer

Obesity is linked to an increased risk of cancer; however, it is unclear whether a high BMI significantly increases overall cancer risk or if rapid weight loss after surgery affects cancer incidence.

Although a recent meta-analysis showed a decreased risk of cancer following bariatric surgery, definitive conclusions could not be formed because of the substantial heterogeneity between trials. Proteins linked to carcinogenesis over-expressed in obese patients and reduced following weight loss surgery are the subject of several new research initiatives.

There is growing evidence that obesity is a risk factor for several types of cancer, but the data is mixed regarding gastric cancer (GC). A study conducted on 22 individuals found that having a body mass index (BMI) below 30 kg/m 2 increased the chance of developing esophageal and cardiac adenocarcinoma by a factor of 2.34.

  1. Have Tried Conventional Weight Loss Strategies (and Failed)

Candidates for weight loss surgery should have already tried dieting and exercising extensively without success. If you have tried and failed to lose weight with other methods, including the Keto and vegan diets, bariatric surgery may be the answer you’ve been looking for.

Also, tell your bariatric surgeon that you’ve tried losing weight by going to the gym, doing yoga, and playing sports but haven’t had any success. There’s a considerable probability that your doctor will suggest bariatric surgery.

  1. You’re Interested in Making Changes to Your Way of Life

The idea that surgical weight loss is a quick fix is a common fallacy. Surgery, it is believed, will magically eliminate the surplus fat. In reality, bariatric surgery is just the starting point for a lifetime of success in managing your weight. To maintain a healthy diet, you still need to put forth the effort. If you want your weight loss to be effective and long-lasting, you must work out regularly.

Moreover, if you’re serious about having surgery to help lose weight, you must devote your attention to creating healthier routines. The bariatric surgeon you choose should provide recommendations to help you shape your new routines. You can clean out your pantry of all the junk food. Fruits, veggies, lean meats, and healthy fats could be substituted for these.

In addition to watching what you eat after surgery, doing additional activities such as walks or group fitness classes is important. If you’re serious about making physical improvements, you must be committed to maintaining healthy habits that can bring them about over the long term. If you are willing to commit, you may be a good candidate for surgical weight loss. 

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Take Away

Gastric sleeve surgery is often misunderstood as a quick and easy solution to obesity. However, to keep the benefits long-term, you must make significant modifications to your lifestyle, such as strictly regulating your diet. If you’ve had a gastric sleeve treatment, your stomach might be smaller, but it can recover its former size with time and effort. Therefore, the long-term effectiveness of your procedure depends on your dedication to developing and keeping new and healthy habits, while also avoiding the behaviors that contributed to your weight increase in the past.