5 Ways to Spread Awareness of Your Brand

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Newton might have seen the apple drop, but Steve Jobs made it rise. That is the power of brand awareness—one of the most quintessential ways in which you can make your brand easily known to the general public. 

Brand awareness is the single most effective way in which you make your audience comfortable with your brand, which is why it becomes super important to know how to spread it. Is there some science behind it? Or is there some other technical jargon that you should be aware of? All that and more—here are 5 ways in which you should spread the good deed of your brand. 

  1. Brands Together, Strong!

Think of it like this—we humans are gregarious, and so are brands. It is not particularly possible to survive as a brand and spread awareness across all spheres of life, without having a little collab here and there. 

Take a Gen-Z example here to understand this. Think of YouTubers doing collabs—do you actually think that it is because they are best buds? Well, maybe. Do you think there are deeper reasons for these collaborations? Of course!

YouTubers are brands in themselves, and it becomes super important for them to indulge in these partnerships for brand awareness. Be it selling a new product, introducing new merch, or anything in between—collaborations help brands as a unit. 

The reason for it is simple. If you tap into “unfamiliar audience territory” with your brand, you will need someone whom they trust. For instance, if you wish to sell Apples (oh, the trillion-dollar company really makes us go gaga over it, eh?) to an audience that is only familiar with oranges, you will have to make a collaborative effort with the audience’s greatest citrus seller. 

  1. A Sense of Personal Touch, Perhaps?

Okay, now that you have tapped into new audience territory, how do you make them more comfortable with your brand presence? Simple, you make them feel at home, you provide the products that truly feel like their own. 

This is where the idea of custom products comes into play. Want to pin an impression in your audience’s memory? Make custom pins according to their tastes. Keep your brand presence prevalent, and along with it, give your audience a piece of what they want. 

Another good example—is coffee sleeves! For the coffee connoisseur, sleeves mean a lot. That sounds like a great opportunity to push some custom sleeves, right? Not only do you meet their demands for one, but in the process, you push your own branding too. Pretty great for a personal touch, right?

  1. Influencers, Influence! 

Statistics, much like hips, don’t lie. The stats are simple—influencers aid a great deal in spreading awareness regarding your brands. So, does that mean you go about hiring Tom Cruise and Morgan Freeman right away?

The answer is an astounding no. The modern-day has seen a great rise in “micro-influencers”, folks that are pretty good at tapping into local audiences. This becomes super important if you are a new brand. Take the Chinese phone OEMs in South Asian and EU countries, for instance. 

Targeting “micro-influencers” who can locally communicate with their audience has made brand awareness rather well-spread. Oh, while we are at it—here’s a pro tip: find the funny ones!

  1. SEO is the Way to GO!

If there is something that resonates with good brand awareness, it is Search Engine Optimization. With this powerful tool, you can build your brand awareness, as well as improve the overall experience for your audiences—not to mention, good SEO ultimately translates into your business reaching more people; hence, more business growth. 

How? Simple—there are practically four pillars. The first is appropriate keywords—you need valid keywords in your content that you expect your audience to search for. For example, if you are a coffee brand, “espresso” is an obvious choice.

The other is targeting the local audience. How? Simple—reviews, feedback, and everything in between. Start this locally, and this should boost your SEO effectively. The other is creating engaging content (more on this later). After all, content is king. 

Finally, understand how backlinks work, and incorporate them into your online presence. Get people to talk about you, make them engage in social media with you—whatever it takes to boost your SEO!

  1. Content Your Audience with…Content!

While we are at it, learn how to push good content to spread your brand awareness better. Creating incredible content is a pretty good way to lure your audience to buy your story (pun intended). Jokes apart, create engaging content to make your audience better aware of your cause, and why they should subscribe to you in the first place. 

How do you do this? Simple. Be precise, crisp, and ready with your selling points. Know what your audience wants, and spin your tale accordingly. Sure, you have to spread awareness regarding your brand, but at the same time, you have to make it a proposition where your audiences’ information needs are met too. All about supply and demand, baby!

Final Words

Lastly, be thorough about recent trends and fashions. Don’t be left out as a brand, otherwise, it would become difficult to connect with your audience in time. Memes, reels, snaps—yes, as weird as it might sound, these are the new yellow pages. Be more mindful and aware, and soon, your audiences will follow suit.