8 Ways To Stay Happy As An Entrepreneur


Although working as an entrepreneur is both amazing and exciting, it’s an incredibly stressful position to be in and often, it can be hard to find ways to stay happy.

Most entrepreneurs will spend most of their time working alone, whether it be from your home office or a co-working community. Not only does this mean it’s an incredibly lonely role to take, it means that more often than not you’re spending 8-10 hours a day on your own.

On top of the loneliness, there’s a lot more pressure involved in being your own boss. With a million deadlines, unpaid invoices and the never-ending battle of trying to find new clients – entrepreneurship is not for the faint-hearted.

With that in mind, here are 8 ways to stay happy as an entrepreneur:

  1. Create A Workspace You Love To Work In

Whether you’re working from home, or you rent an office space nearby, the space you work in needs to be a place you love. Often you’ll be spending more than 8 hours a day in this space, so if it’s somewhere that you enjoy being and inspires you to create – you’ll be more than happy to spend as much time as you do there. Add inspirational quotes to the walls, purchase a comfortable office chair and really make the space yours.

      2.  Have A Good Work-Life Balance

Working for yourself is incredibly hard when it comes to time management and often you’ll feel as though you have to work late into the night. Working out what hours you want to work and what hours you want to be for your own personal time is the best way to determine how much of a work-life balance you have.

If you set yourself strict hours to stick to you’ll find it much easier to switch off and relax at the end of a workday.

     3.  Spend Time With Your Friends And Family

Making the time to spend with your friends and family is so important to anyone working as an entrepreneur or solopreneur. Whilst you may find that at certain times throughout your journey you’ll have a lot less free-time – when you do have the time it’s important to spend it with the ones you love.

     4.  Practice Self Care When You Can

Whether you work for yourself or for a company, employee mental health is incredibly important.

A great way to help improve your mental health and keep your mind happy and healthy is to practice self-care when you can. Whether it’s a bubble bath after a long day a work, curling up with a good book or taking yourself for a long walk – the small things will really make a difference.

     5.  Don’t Put Too Much Pressure On Yourself

As an entrepreneur, it’s easy to get carried away and think that you need to do everything all at once. Whilst this may seem like the best way to achieve your goals, you’re likely to experience burnout before you know it. Try not to put too much pressure on yourself and enjoy the work that you do.

     6.  Don’t Compare Yourself To Others


Similarly to the point above, it’s easy to get carried away and compare yourself to everyone around you. It’s important to remember that everybody goes at their own pace and just because you’re not achieving the same as everyone else, it doesn’t mean you’re not as good of an entrepreneur.

     7.  Set Yourself Goals

Setting goals is a great way to know what it is you want to work towards. With monthly, yearly and 5-yearly goals you’ll be able to map out your weeks in a way that allows you to focus on things that will help you achieve these goals. There are lots of goal planning guides online, but one of the best ways to plan is by using a goal planner journal.

     8. Use A Diary To Stay Organised And On Top Of Things

Whether you use an electronic or paper diary, keeping on top of things is a great way to ensure you’re stress-free and happy as an entrepreneur. Although you may not tick everything off your daily to-do lists, having tasks written down is still a great way to feel in control of your day-to-day life.

Use your diary to plan out both your business and personal life and you’ll feel as though you’re an entrepreneur super-woman as you tick each completed task off – believe me.


Are you an entrepreneur or business owners? How do you stay happy? Let me know in the comment section below

Photo by Anete Lūsiņa on Unsplash