Can Personalized Direct Mail Help Your Early Start-Up?

Direct mail marketing has a retro feel, a throwback from the pre-internet world when the Australia Post was king. In those days, getting mail addressed specifically to you felt special and was certainly different from soulless mass mailing campaigns. 

Later, as the internet took over the world we came to think of the Australia Post as archaic. The modern world is focused on digital communication, and connecting with prospective clients’ rights on their computers was the “in” thing.

How the tables turn. Now, in our digital age, the average internet user is bombarded with ads from over 400 different advertisers every day. Finding a way to stand out in the digital marketplace is nearly impossible. Modern marketers are now turning back to direct mail, which is emerging as a newly effective way to reach new customers in a different, and less crowded, format.

Why Is Direct Mail Right For My Start-Up?

Direct mail campaigns are proving to be effective ways to break through the noise and reach your target customers effectively. Surprisingly, despite the higher costs necessary to implement a DM  campaign versus a digital marketing plan, the return on investment is high enough to warrant using direct mail.

What Are Ways I Can Make My Campaign More Effective?

Make sure every piece of mail is addressed to a specific recipient. Mail addressed to “occupant” or “whomever it may concern” is likely to be tossed right in the bin. If you choose to buy a targeted customer list for your campaign be sure it is recent and updated.

When designing your materials, be sure you have a clear call to action. Once a potential customer has read your mail they should immediately know what to do next, whether it is visiting your store, visiting your website, or making an appointment for more information. If your customer puts your mail down and does not know how to respond your campaign will fail.

To entice them to follow up on your call to action, consider including a special offer. Customers love to get special treatment, and offering something valuable as an enticement to follow through with your company could spur the quick action you are looking for.

What Kinds of Campaigns Should I Focus On?

If you are willing to go beyond the regular introductory letter, there are many interesting ideas you could pursue. Branded boxes enclosing a small gift is a sure way to get attention. Coupled with supporting materials that clearly explain what your company does and an incentive to engage right away, campaigns like this could be a campaign that really launches your start-up to its next level.

Designing a campaign that follows up on lost leads could be another way to capture new business. Using data from other channels you already employ could provide you a list of contacts who at some point showed interest in your start-up but then, for whatever reason, did not follow through. Incentivizing these potential clients with a mailer tailored specifically to them could convert your lost leads into new customers.

To build customer loyalty, consider onboarding your new clients and customers with a mailer containing branded goodies and treats. Showing appreciation for someone’s business can make the difference between them choosing your services the second time or moving on to a different company.

Despite its potential old-fashioned feel, or maybe because of it, direct mail marketing can be a very effective way to engage new customers and build brand loyalty. Do not dismiss this powerful tool before considering what value it could add, used in the right way, to your successful start-up launch.