Corporate Gift-Giving Etiquette: 3 Things That You Need to Know

A Different Environment for Giving

Friends or coworkers in the office, or employees, will react differently to gifts than they would outside the workplace. If you’re in management, Check out this link for guidance on giving gifts to employees—here’s a hint: flowers, provided they’re in a bouquet that isn’t intended to have any “romantic” connotation, tend to be a sure-fire hit. You want to make sure that you have the best custom hoodies ready to go for your own team but corporate gifting for clients is very different. You need to make a splash in a positive way, and that means knowing what your clients need.

If you’re not in management, you’ve got more freedom, as it’s less likely to be misinterpreted. Still, mistakes can be made. Consider these tips to help avoid uncomfortable situations.

1. Don’t Spend Too Little, or Too Much: The Goldilocks Zone
If you spend $100 on a pen for a coworker, they’re going to think you’ve got some less-than-obvious objective, and that could give them the wrong idea. Especially if there’s the potential for romantic attention, that’s a big risk. Now certainly, there are situations in life where a romantic relationship is more important than a job. Are you in that situation now?

If you’re not, the object of your affection could report you for harassment, and that could result in your employment being terminated. Well, maybe it’s worth it if he or she reciprocates; but then the both of you might get fired for neglecting duties in order to feed the relationship. Workplace romance is just not a wise idea.

So when buying a gift, try to spend an amount that’s appropriate. Don’t be cheap, avoid the dollar store; but you shouldn’t be within a metric mile of any sort of “Sharper Image” gift, either. Your “goldilocks zone”, where you’re not too hot or too cold, will be $15 to about $60, maybe as high as $75, depending on where you live and what you buy.

2. Be Sure Gits Won’t be Misinterpreted
A $50 water purifier filter for an eco-conscious employee probably won’t be misinterpreted, but you’re getting close to the line. Meanwhile, a $20 t-shirt or baseball cap is likely going to be fine; these are “SWAG” items, “Stuff We All Get”. SWAG isn’t romantic or expensive, generally, so gifts like that aren’t likely to misinterpret. Gift cards and the like are fine.

3. Give Sporadically
If you come into the office with a gift for everyone every day, that’s pricey for you, and it makes it look like you’ve got something to prove. If you never give anything to anybody ever, folks will sort of rule you out of their social circle subconsciously. Again, there’s a balance. Give on special occasions or specific occasions that suggest a gift of some stripe. If you’re having trouble picking a gift, visit to get some more ideas flowing.

The Perfect Gift for Coworkers

If you give sporadically, rather than continuously or not at all, that’s generally a safe bet in the office. Also, be sure whatever you give is unlikely to be misinterpreted, and that you spend a proper amount; neither too much nor too little. Again, flowers of a non-romantic design tend to be one of your best choices. Follow these tips and you’ll be “safe” as regards office giving.