Easy Tips for Having Healthy and Clear Skin

Many of us dream about having perfectly smooth and healthy skin without blemishes that always seem to come out when we least need them. Skin health has a lot to do with genetics, but even if you have bad skin genes and a lot of skin issues in the family, you can still do many things that will improve your complexion and make your skin better. If you don’t want to do any ten-step skincare programs or spend thousands and thousands of dollars on expensive cosmetic treatments, here are a few easy tips on how to make your skin healthy and clear:

Use sun protection

Let’s start with the easiest yet most useful tip for health and youthful skin—sun protection. If you ask any dermatologist about the most useful product on the market, all of them will mention sunscreen. Unprotected sun exposure causes premature wrinkles, age spots, pigmentation, and even more serious issues like skin cancer. The best sun protection uses a sunscreen with a broad spectrum of protection (pick something with at least SPF 15). And don’t be stingy with sunscreen, applying generously every two hours or more often if you’re swimming or sweating.

Next, you should avoid sun exposure, especially during the hottest part of the day, between 10 am and 4 pm. And finally, make sure to wear clothing with good coverage and protection. Light long-sleeved shirts, light pants, and hats with wide brims will keep you cool in the summer yet prevent the sun from damaging your skin. There are even certain additives you can put in your laundry to add extra UV protection to your clothing.

Wash your face regularly

It’s important to keep your skin free of dirt and grime; the best way to do so is to wash your face three times a day. The first wash should happen in the morning after you wake up to remove any oil buildup. The second wash should happen before bed to remove any dirt, pollution, and bacteria you might have picked up during the day. And your third face wash should happen after exercising. If you sweat a lot during your gym session or your runs, take your time to thoroughly wash your face and remove any salty sweat and other dirt.

Fix your complexion

If you often see any imperfections in your complexion, don’t worry, there are ways to make your skin more uniform. With products like gentle skin whitening supplements, you can treat any visible dark spots and hyperpigmentation issues. These skin imperfections usually appear due to sun exposure or hormones. With your skin bleaching supplements, you can tackle uneven skin tone, excessive pigmentation, skin discoloration, brown spots, and melisma from the outside with creams and serums and the inside with pill supplements.

Eat well

Everything that we do, eat and feel shows on our skin, so it’s impossible to hide your bad diet. If you want your skin to look its best, make sure to add plenty of fresh fruits and veggies to your plate. Whole grains and lean protein can also be beneficial. According to research, diets full of fish oil and fish, and low in saturated fats and processed carbs, resulting in healthier skin and younger-looking complexions. Also, don’t forget to hydrate your skin from the inside as well by drinking plenty of water.

Reduce stress

High levels of stress are closely connected to skin health. That’s why you might have noticed pimples and blemishes popping up right before an important event in your life—the stress is to blame. Stress can affect the skin in many ways, and those who suffer from high levels of stress often exhibit itchiness, hair loss, oily patches on the scalp, scaly skin, hand rashes, etc. Teens under a lot of stress are almost 25% more likely to suffer from severe acne! Plus, when you’re stressed and anxious, you tend to self-soothe by picking the skin, worsening your condition. So try your best to achieve a better life/work balance, practice relaxation techniques, and even try therapy.

Be gentle

Even though daily washing, cleansing, and, for some, even shaving, are necessary, they can damage your skin, especially if you’re not gentle. For minimal damage and irritation to your skin, limit baths and make sure to keep the water lukewarm. Water that’s too hot can remove beneficial oils from your skin, which is definitely not good. Also, make sure to stick to natural products without strong scents—these can also strip your skin of oils. When shaving, lubricate the skin with shaving cream, gel or lotion, and use a new, sharp, clean razor to avoid infections. When you’re done washing and shaving, gently pat your skin with a clean towel before you moisturize with a product that fits your skin type. As for the private areas skin care, look to analbleachingexpert.com skin lightening cream that can help lighten and whiten the private area easily. Make sure the cream doesn’t contain hydroquinone, which means it’s safe to use even on sensitive skin.

Proper skin care is not hard to perform and it’s available to almost everyone. As long as you practice proper sun protection, hydration and supplementation, expect your complexion to clear out.