How To Ramp Up Your Restaurant Patio In Winter

photo of building covered with snow

Outdoor dining has always been popular in the hospitality industry. The smallest food joints and posh restaurants know the significance of the investment. It provides customers with a unique experience, expands the available seating, and sets up your business for profits and growth. The concept is more relevant than ever in the new normal when social distancing is still the best way to keep the virus at bay. 

A patio space is the best way to prep your restaurant for outdoor dining. But keeping it up and running in the chilly winter weather is easier said than done. However, winterizing it is a worthwhile effort because your patrons may actually love the experience. Here are a few actionable ways to ramp up your restaurant patio in winter..  

Ensure adequate lighting

As daylight hours decrease in winter, illumination for outdoor spaces can get tricky. Installing appropriate lighting solutions is crucial to retain the charm of patio dining during the season. Besides creating the right atmosphere, proper lighting also ensures safety. Consider installing LED lights to save energy bills because you will need to run them for longer hours. Add elements like floor lamps and fairy lights to create a happy ambiance. Remember to choose options that can withstand the elements.

Invest in comfy furniture

Besides good lighting, your patio dining area must ensure comfort for diners. An investment in new furniture makes the space winter-ready. Wood is the best option because it offers warmth and comfort. Skip materials like metal because they can compromise comfort for durability, which is the last thing you want. Opting for comfy lounge seating and cozy cushions is an excellent idea. 

Prioritize warmth

This one is a no-brainer because warmth is the most significant factor in winterizing your patio for outdoor dining. You can rely on marine clear vinyl for coverage as it encloses the space effectively by shielding it from elements. The material does not affect visibility, so guests can enjoy the view without shivering in the cold winds and snow. You can consider options like portable propane heaters, infrared heaters, and built-in heating equipment to heat the space. Portable fire pits and outdoor fireplaces add warmth and aesthetics. 

Rework decor

While taking care of the practical aspects like heating and lighting is vital, you cannot overlook decor and landscaping for a hospitality space. Extra touches like decorative elements and potted plants make the guests feel cozy and comfortable even in the snowy weather. Setting them up in strategic areas like the entrance can keep the cold breeze out effectively. 

Go the extra mile with safety

While outdoor dining is inherently safe from a pandemic perspective, going the extra mile with safety can give your business a winning edge. Adjust your floor plan to accommodate social distancing for tables. Physical partitions make a good option if you have a smaller patio. You can use signs and directional arrows to manage foot traffic. Also, setting up a tableside ordering system elevates safety and customer experience. 

A little effort to winterize your patio takes you a step closer to providing a one-of-a-kind dining experience to your patrons. Follow these tips and serve deliciously hot means to retain them and build your reputation.