How To Write Homepage That Converts In 2022

The homepage is the company’s face. It forms the users’ first impression of the supplier of goods or services. The goal of the homepage is to make as many users as possible see that you can provide a credible solution to their problems and convert them into leads. Do you know how to make them do it?

The functionality and successful design of the homepage are crucial to the business’s success. It determines whether average users are converted into loyal customers and generates more cash.

How Do You Create a Homepage That Converts?

A modern site is now more than just a brief presentation of a business offer. It is a lead-generating machine that purposefully guides the consumer’s movement along the sales funnel by the time the purchase or order of services is made.

When a customer visits your website, the first thing they see is the homepage. As a result, it should make a good first impression right away.

A homepage should have an appealing design and function properly to do this job effectively. So, let’s look at how to create a homepage that converts.

1. Choose a good homepage architecture

“Web architecture” is a method of organizing information on a website. It entails organizing content in such a way that users can quickly find what they need. It also makes searching for information simple, intuitive, and does not necessitate too much action from users.

2. Perform research

Before you begin creating a homepage architecture, you must first assess the current state of affairs on your site. If you are optimizing or updating an already existing element, you should have clear reasoning for why you want to change something and what it should give you.

To properly assess your homepage, look at it through the eyes of your customers and answer the following questions:

  • Am I in the right place?
  • Can I trust this website?
  • How can you help me?
  • How can I ask you about the specific product I need?

If you need more in-depth research on a specific topic, you can entrust this task to writing services review websites such as Best Writers Online to get one.

3. Learn from competitors

Your competitors target the same users as you do. Visit their websites to see what you can learn for yourself. Make a list of what you would/would not like if you were a user.

For example, design, button placement, etc. Consider what you want to see on your homepage for it to appear natural with the overall concept of your business.

4. Keep things simple

Of course, it is critical to present appealing content about your products, services, and awards. The homepage, on the other hand, is not the appropriate place to do so.

If you have difficulties coming up with appealing text for users, delegate this task to professionals from writing services reviews websites such as Writing Judge. Aside from that, too many elements interfere with the user’s concentration.

5. Learn to use videos

When used correctly, videos have a significant impact on conversion rates. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Make a video for your target audience. Use techniques that will resonate with your specific TA;
  • Familiarize. Use a video to introduce your company;
  • Use an auto-play function. Putting videos on auto-play will help you catch users’ attention and want to learn about your business;
  • Place it in the “heart” of your homepage. The best way to capture potential leads’ attention is to place content in the centre of your homepage;
  • Make it accessible for everyone. Subtitles in your videos can help physically disabled people learn about your business. If you struggle to write concise and appealing texts for short videos, visit top paper writing services to get help.

6. Boost load speed

The faster visitors arrive at your homepage, the more likely they are to complete a transaction. To accomplish this, prioritize load speed. As previously stated, do not overcrowd your homepage with elements as this slows downloading.

7. Make it is mobile-friendly

People nowadays spend the majority of their time in a digital world. Make sure that your homepage looks great on all digital devices that people may use to search for you.

8. Deserve trustworthy

Sensitive data (e.g., personal information, credit card numbers, etc.) is an essential component of the decision-making process. Before a customer provides it, he should be confident that he can entrust it to you. Using reviews is the best way to accomplish this.

This section, along with the reviews from your current customers, can be placed at the bottom of your homepage. This can be done through written reviews, story videos, or any other type of content that demonstrates the value of your products.

9. Always use CTAs

When updating your website’s homepage, you should pay close attention to written content. Even if there are only a few sentences, include a call to action (CTA) to increase the chances of converting visitors into buyers.

CTAs must be:

  • Creative (e.g., Boost Revenue, Enjoy A Demo, Book a Table, etc.);
  • A/B tested (create a few different types of CTAs and see which one performs best);
  • Relevant to trends;
  • Better than competitors’ CTAs.


Many homepage elements influence a user’s desire to buy/order. To perform well, each of them should be optimized to make a good first impression and convert an average viewer into a lead.