Learning about Flared Ribs and How to Treat Them

flare rib

What Is Flared Ribs (Known as Rib Flare)?

Flared ribs, also known as rib flare, is a condition in which the lower ribs protrude outwards. This can cause the chest to look sunken in and may be accompanied by pain. Flared ribs are often caused by poor posture or muscular imbalances.

What Causes Flared Ribs?

Besides muscular imbalance and poor posture mentioned, weight gain, pregnancy, and wearing tight clothing can also cause a flared rib cage.

  • Abnormality in children: Children are more likely to have flared ribs due to their more petite frame and developing bodies. This is very common with pectus carinatum, a condition in which the breastbone is abnormally shaped, causing the lower ribs to protrude outwards.
  • Poor posture can cause the muscles in the chest to become weak and unable to support the spine properly, leading to the lower ribs protruding outwards.
  • Weight gain can also cause flared ribs by adding extra pressure on the muscles.
  • Wearing tight clothing can cause flared ribs by constricting the chest and preventing the muscles from working correctly.

Other possible causes of rib flare include:

  • Ineffective breathing: It may be challenging to take deep breaths if you have flared ribs. This can lead to more problems with your respiratory system and cause shortness of breath.
  • Weak abdominal muscles: Weak abdominal muscles can cause the lower ribs to protrude outwards. This can be due to pregnancy, weight gain, or other factors.
  • Hyperlordosis: Hyperlordosis is a condition in which there is an abnormal amount of fluid in the body, causing the lower ribs to protrude outwards.
  • Postpartum: After giving birth, the abdominal muscles are often weak and may cause the lower ribs to protrude outwards.

How to Fix Rib Flare

Correcting your posture, losing weight, and wearing comfortable clothing are some of the possible ways to ease the pain caused by rib flare. However, wearing a rib flare brace is your best option if you are looking to flatten your ribs.

What Is Rib Flare Flattening? 

Rib flare flattening is a condition in which the lower ribs protrude outwards, causing the chest to look sunken in. It may also cause pain. This typically occurs between the sternum (the T-shaped flat bone in the center of the chest) and cost margin (the lower edge of the chest) — especially when you also have pectus carinatum.

It’s often on one side and gives causes more severe forms of pectus carinatum known as the keel chest. Both Rib Flare braces and Pectus + Rib Flare Braces are proven to be efficient treatments.

How Do You Fix Flared Ribs?

There are several options for treating rib flare:

  1. Rib braces are the top choice. Wearing a rib brace is best to treat flared ribs, as it will help support the lower back and prevent the lower ribs from protruding outwards.
  2. Surgery should be your last choice. Surgery is usually only recommended if flared ribs are severe and causing respiratory problems.
  3. Therapy and exercises: Physical therapy can help strengthen the muscles in the chest and improve posture. Exercises that focus on the abdominal muscles can also help. However, this won’t fix rib flare and is recommended for very mild cases only, since it can help make the condition slightly less visible.

How Can the Dakota Brace Solutions Help?

Dakota Brace offers custom rib flare braces that are 3D printed to fit you perfectly. The braces are made from a soft material that is comfortable to wear and supports the lower back. We also offer a money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the results.

Our custom braces are designed to provide support and relief from the pain. Everything is done remotely in a way that fits your schedule yet never compromises on quality.

(Note: You’ll need access to an iPhone X or later to do your initial scan.)

The Bottom Line

Flared ribs can be a painful and uncomfortable condition. However, at Dakota Brace, we are committed to providing the best possible customer experience. We offer a wide range of products and services to meet your needs and exceed your expectations. We believe that the right fit is crucial to achieving the best possible results.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve the best possible results. Visit our website to get your free consultation and 10% off your first order.
