Significance of Age Verification in Business- Know It

We have all been asked by websites to verify that we’re old enough to use them. That’s what age verification is, and many businesses utilize it today. However, you might not be sure if you need these systems as a startup owner. But the reality is that age verification has its benefits.

This article will explore the reasons to invest in age verification tools. Everyone can benefit from these tools including kids. According to research, 1.48 percent of minors fell victim to identity fraud in 2017. This has made it critical for companies to take age verification seriously.

It will help you know why your online business needs this essential feature. This is as the online business world remains unsecured mainly. By this post’s end, you should decide to invest in an age verification tool. 

Let’s look into the ways you can benefit from age verification systems.

Understanding Digital Age Verification

This is using digital tools to verify a website user’s age. This process is quick and anonymous to ensure it benefits businesses and protects customers’ identities. Depending on the findings, it ends with either denial or granting access.

How Digital Age Verification Works

There are various ways that digital age verification works. Knowing them will be critical if you plan to roll it out in your business. The good news is that age verification works in a simple process, and you can start using it in your business today.

You can use a wide range of methods when leveraging age verification. One of the methods you can use is your driving license. You can also use social media or payment cards. Searches for addresses and even mobile networks are also great verification methods.

  1. Helps Filter Visitors

Business websites experience a lot of traffic. You might fear malicious traffic getting into your systems if you run one. You must do all you can to ensure only legitimate users access your website. And there are various ways to keep malicious traffic out of your website and network.

Investing in an age verification solution is one of the best ways to keep your website safe. You can use it to keep malicious bots disguised as legitimate traffic from your website. Although bots can compromise your network, some aren’t smart enough to get past age verification.

  1. Keeps Minors Away From Your Website

The internet has become easily accessible today. Unlike many decades ago, kids can now access the internet on smartphones or computers at home. However, this might expose them to potentially harmful content, and owners of such websites might be liable for this.

You must keep kids away from your website if you offer adult products or services. For instance, some games are meant for specific age categories. For example, in the UK, there are games for ages 3’, ‘7’, ’12’, ’16’ and ’18’, depending on their content.

Thus, it is essential to stick to the law if you operate in the gaming industry. You can do this almost effortlessly using an age verification solution. Despite this being the law in most jurisdictions, exposing kids to anything meant strictly for adults is not morally correct.

Age verification tools make it easy to keep an eye on websites. They save time and won’t need your input to serve their purpose. Although some users might lie about their age, a business that invests in an age verification system shows its commitment to keeping kids safe from such content.

  1. Reduces the Risk of Identity Theft

Source: Pixabay

Identity theft and many other security risks can give you a headache as a business owner. If you run a business, you need to think about the safety of the customer data you hold. There has been an increase in malware attacks in recent years; you should know how to prevent them.

Having an age verification system can be a great idea. You can use it to reduce malicious traffic getting into your website and systems. It will help lock out bots designed and deployed to compromise your security systems. That will help reduce malware attacks on your network.

Also, you can protect parents’ identities in case their kids misuse their cards. For instance, some kids try purchasing items online using their parents’ IDs. However, they might not know the best practices for online purchases. Having age verification systems helps keep their IDs safe.

  1. Simplifies Account Maintenance

There’s a lot that goes into maintaining a business website. In addition, the person possessing a business website might also be in charge of other business tasks. This could make it tricky for them to focus on administrative tasks like ensuring sufficient safety on the website.

Having an age verification tool helps business owners focus on more demanding tasks. They do not need to worry about the traffic getting into their networks; these systems already take care of that. This gives them time to focus on building their brands and expanding operations.

  1. Ensures Regulatory Compliance

We mentioned that child protection is critical in business. In some jurisdictions, companies must resolve to protect kids from harmful content. This means only making such content or products available to the target market, adults mostly since there’s no need to protect or hide kids’ content.

Age verification systems make it easy to ensure this. If you run a business, consider having such a system on your network. It will help ensure you operate within the law if the laws in your area require businesses dealing in adult content, products, or services to protect kids.

In Scotland, retailers dealing with tobacco and nicotine vapor have to ask for age verification from customers. They should ensure customers under 25 do not buy or use their products. This means they must devise ways of doing this and educate all their staff on how it works.

You might never know who’s visiting your website at what time. Sometimes, the authorities want to confirm that you comply with the law. They’ll try to access your website, and you might end up in trouble if they get through without the system asking them to verify their ages.

  1. Protects Brand Image

It is critical to ensure people can trust your brand. According to Forbes, a good brand image makes an impression and creates recognition. If you offer adult content or products, show that your business cares for minors. Parents might want to know how safe their kids will be if they bump into your website.

One way to ensure they trust your brand is by having age verification systems. This will create an excellent first impression of your business. They’ll feel that you care about their kids and will be happy to interact with your business or even transact with you should they need what you offer.

Also, you might get a lot of referrals if people trust your brand. This way, growing your website and business will be an effortless task. Also, it will be easy to ensure your business gains the trust of search engines. The better the reviews on your website, the higher your rankings on search engines.

Age Verification Plays a Significant Role in Business

Age verification is undoubtedly an essential feature for any online business. We have explored many benefits a business can get from leveraging it. If you are getting into business, you cannot overlook the need for age verification, as that would weaken your business’s security.

One of the most outstanding benefits of age verification is that it keeps kids away from harmful content, products, or services. Another one is that it helps reduce identity theft risk for websites that handle customer data. 

If your business operates online, malware is also an issue you’ll be actively dealing with. The age verification system will help you reduce the chances of bots getting past your security systems. There’s no doubt that your business should consider investing in this solution.