The Exterior Waterproofing Checklist: Ensuring Your Home’s Longevity

A leaking house is one of the bottom-of-the-barrel experiences you can ever experience as a homeowner. That is why you must ensure that your house is always adequately waterproofed!

Only a few people appreciate the importance of keeping your home water-free. Most old-fashioned building constructors would finish the construction process. They would then set up a beautiful structure and give the keys to the homeowner. That skips the entire process of waterproofing the house.

But to ensure your home lasts longer than you would want, consider the best practices for waterproofing the exterior.

brown and black wooden surface

Here is a detailed guide on the elements you should consider during your waterproofing process.

Why You Should Waterproof Your Home

The exterior of any home is the forefront line of defence. It has to protect the inhabitants from the elements. Before looking for structural repair in Philadelphia to keep your exterior in top shape, you might need to consider why you should waterproof your home.

Waterproofing your house ensures that the inhabitants and the home’s contents are well protected from damage arising from water. When you waterproof your house, you avoid water leaking and damaging your high-end valuables.

Waterproofing a house also helps retain its value. If you are thinking of flipping your home for profit soon, you must waterproof it to avoid the harm-inflicting effect of water.

Excessive home repairs can be a nerve-racking experience. You might spend an arm and a leg to repair damage you would have easily avoided. That is why waterproofing your home is imperative. It helps you avoid the strenuous experience of constant repairs, which could significantly impact your bottom line.

Things To Consider During The Waterproofing Process

1. Check For Cracks

Foundation Inspection is a key aspect to consider when undertaking waterproofing projects. It ensures that any existing issues are addressed before proceeding with waterproofing solutions. By conducting a comprehensive inspection, you can identify potential problems early on and implement appropriate measures to mitigate them, ultimately enhancing the longevity and effectiveness of your waterproofing system.

The first thing you should consider at the top of the checklist for waterproofing is whether the house has any cracks. Cracks are the easiest way for water to enter your house and cause excessive damage you want to avoid.

Checking for cracks is a simple process that requires the physical examination of the outermost walls. Once you identify any cracks, you can think of the best way to single-handedly fill them or seal them up.

white and brown concrete wall

2. Test How Damp The Wall Is

The moisture content of a wall can tell you a lot about its condition. The process of checking the moisture content overall is a two-fold procedure. The first thing you need to do is evaluate the wall through physical examination. You can also counter-check for damp patches, which appear slightly darker than the other parts of the wall. Damp patches also tend to be somewhat colder than the rest of the wall due to the moisture content.

After the physical examination, you should confirm whether the wall has more moisture than it should handle by using a concrete moisture meter. The meter will help you gauge the moisture inside the wall, which you wouldn’t spot by examining it physically.

3. Look For Leaking Drainage Systems

A leaking drainage is your worst enemy when waterproofing your home. Leaking drainage systems can compromise the integrity of your wall and cause more damage than you would expect. That’s why you need to fix drainage systems and give you a fighting chance against possible structural damage.

a wall that has some rust on it

4. Apply Waterproofing Paint

After you have evaluated the exterior for any damage or indications of lack of waterproofing qualities, you can put in measures that increase the waterproofing capacity of the home. Applying a coat of waterproofing paint around the exterior wall is a good idea. Waterproofing paint repels any moisture that might leak into your home and cause damage.

A decent coat of paint might be all you need to kick-start your waterproofing needs. So, you should take your time to evaluate different paint options before settling on the best one.

5. Replace Stucco Walls If Necessary

No matter how skill-oriented your construction team was during installation, they may have made some mistakes. Fixing those mistakes by repairing or replacing the stucco walls can help protect your home from water damage. Once everything has been sorted, you may then wish to get your stucco painted if it does not match the rest of your property, or if you want to change it up. Stucco is different to other materials, so you will want to find experts in stucco to come out and do the painting job for you in order to guarantee the very best finish.

No matter how skill-oriented your construction team was during installation, they may have made some mistakes. Fixing those mistakes by repairing or replacing the stucco walls can help protect your home from water damage.

man climbing on ladder inside room

Counter Check For Perfection

It doesn’t hurt to evaluate everything after you are done. That is why you should counter-check the entire home to ensure it is in perfect condition after waterproofing. The counter-checking stage gives you the guarantee you need that everything works as well as you hoped it would. It also gives you the proof to show that your house is adequately waterproofed.

Parting Shot

Waterproofing a home’s exterior extends its chance as far as longevity is concerned. Following the checklist above gives your home the high-quality waterproofing properties it needs for a long life. Remember that keeping your house in excellent waterproof condition requires a never-ending devotion to perfection.

So what are you waiting for? Start waterproofing today!