Tips for Starting a Composting Program at Work

Tips for Starting a Composting Program at Work

If you’re looking for ways to make your business an eco-friendlier space, consider starting a composting effort. Once you have the right setup and waste sorting habits, creating compost right out of your office space is easy. Explore these tips for starting a composting program at work and learn how to get your whole team on board.

Conduct a Waste Audit

Start by conducting a waste audit of your workplace. A waste audit will help you get a better understanding of the waste that your business produces and how much of that waste is applicable to your compositing goals. Look for items such as coffee filters and grounds, tea bags, food peels and scraps, and more.

You can also use your waste audit to determine whether you’re throwing away recyclables and other materials that shouldn’t go to a landfill. Certain recyclables also make great “browns” for your compost pile—these materials include things like paper and cardboard scraps. Shredding helps your business be more environmentally friendly by producing easily compostable “browns.”

Choose Where To Place the Bin

Each composting bin has a unique location and use requirements. Some professional composting containers allow you to place them indoors without worrying about odors or attracting pests. On the other hand, when you use an outdoor composting bin, you can expand your space and don’t have to worry about odors. However, outdoor composting bins and piles can attract animals such as raccoons and other hungry critters looking for food scraps. Keep these factors in mind as you choose the right bin and composting location for your workplace.

Get the Workplace on Board

The best way to make a composting effort work in any setting is to educate those around you. Educate your employees about the benefits of composting to garner interest. From there, you can place signage and hold educational meetings about composting, including what people can and can’t put in the pile. Without the proper education and first steps, your compost pile might not amount to much fertilizer in the end.

With these tips, you can start your own composting program out of your office, warehouse, or another commercial workspace. Composting is a smart way to reduce waste and minimize your business’s carbon footprint.