3 Hot Digital Trends That’ll Kickstart Your Business

In the past few years, the fabric of business itself has been irrevocably altered; the pandemic has changed the way companies view remote employees and alternative workflows. More businesses than ever are seeking out digital solutions to their various problems with personnel, general workflow, and overhead costs. These hot new business trends will help you retain good employees and simplify business operations, all while keeping costs to a minimum. 

1. Go Remote

Remote work is definitely one of the hottest new business trends, even though it has been the subject of much contention in recent years; in most cases, employers want their team to return to full-time office work, while the employees themselves would much prefer to stay home and work. While some businesses absolutely must have face-to-face interactions with customers–such as grocery stores, restaurants, or hospitals–most companies don’t need anyone physically present in a traditional office setting to succeed.

Employers, in general, need to switch their focus from “how” a job is done to “how well” it’s done–regardless of the process the employee takes to get there. For example, if your bookkeeper can get their entire job done in an appropriate amount of time and to your standards while at home in their pajamas, it shouldn’t be necessary for them to come into an office. 

By going remote, you have a larger pool of applicants to choose from, as you can hire virtually anyone in the world. Your employees will be much happier and, therefore, will produce better work and interact more effectively with clients. 

2. Automate What You Can 

Automation is a huge time and money saver for any business. A computer program can automatically take care of some tedious everyday tasks. These sophisticated applications can take the guesswork out of scheduling; vacation time, sick time, and other occurrences are all accounted for when the schedule is made, saving you time and a headache. 

Payroll is another monotonous task that can be taken care of by your trusty computer. When your employees punch the time clock, the time is automatically calculated and recorded and then sent to the payroll company for processing–all with minimal effort on your part. Also, be sure to enroll your company in direct deposit so your employees’ paychecks go right into their accounts, eliminating the need to hand out or mail a stack of checks every single week. 

Perhaps the most significant advantage of automating specific tasks is time savings. You can reassign employees to roles requiring more human touch and leave the monotony to your computer.

3. Use a Smart Workspace 

If you do go remote, or even if you prefer a hybrid setup (some days in the office and some days working from home), you’re going to need a place for collaboration. Many workflow applications allow you to maintain contact with your team, enable secure file sharing, and facilitate connection even in a work-from-home environment. You can easily host team meetings, share ideas through built-in messaging, and create documents that can be shared and stored right on the platform. No more searching through desks full of papers for misplaced documents–everything you and your team need is at your fingertips from anywhere in the world with an internet connection. These platforms are often equipped with the highest possible encryption, ensuring sensitive company and customer information is kept safe from potential hackers. 

Also worth noting, these programs are designed to minimize distractions so your employees stay on task, no matter where their work setup is located. This way, your team can have the freedom to work from home but still be held to the task at hand. 

These trends will take your business to the next level by increasing productivity, organizing sensitive information, and keeping your employees happy.