8 B2B Marketing Automation Strategies To Grow Your Business

Today, most companies rely on automation technologies. Marketing automation reduces your manual efforts and boosts your productivity at work. Whatever tool you use, it all starts with a great strategy. 

Let’s take a look at some of the top marketing automation strategies to grow your business

#1 Automation of Leads follow-up 

#2 Lead Scoring Process 

#3 Lead Qualification (Transformation from MQL) 

#4 Account-Based Marketing Campaigns 

#5 Automation of Email Marketing Campaigns

#6 Remarketing Campaigns 

#7 Boost Team Productivity 

#8 Integrate Chat Bots 

Let us take a look at it in detail. 

#1 Automation of Leads follow-up 

How would you follow up with the leads frequently and close the deals? Of course, it must be time-consuming as it takes a lot of time and manual effort to get things done. With sales and marketing automation, you can easily manage the lead follow-up process to save time and shorten the process quickly for better results. 

The process of automated follow-up process is inclusive of: 

  • -Instant and real-time notifications when your leads are looking out to hear from you
  • -Reminder emails if you haven’t heard back from them for a certain period
  • -No response after the proposal stages and more. 

This will streamline your sales pipeline management more easily and efficiently, resulting in better numbers for your business. Hence it is efficient for productive business process management

#2 Lead Scoring Process 

Every lead you generate is valuable for your business. But how do you define the best one so close to getting the deal! Well, that’s what lead scoring is for! Score the lead based on their activities -like website visits, taking action, opening your email, responding to your email, subscribing to your emails and social media, and more. 

#3 Lead Qualification (Transformation from MQL) 

Qualifying a lead is a much more important process as not all leads that we generally get converted. Filtering raw and unwanted leads must be removed before passing the leads on to the sales. Marketing Qualified Leads (MQL) is being filtered to ensure that it has all the critical information like the contact details and the necessary details so that sales can immediately connect with it! Once it is passed on to the Sales, after the process, it will be converted to Sales Qualified Lead which can be passed on for the Opportunity stages and sp on. 

#4 Account-Based Marketing Campaigns 

Looking for the best ways to land on targeted personas? Then you must utilize Account-based campaigns which are ideally targeted with a fully personalized approach. With more focus on quality rather than being on quantity, it presents you with excellent options to automate your campaigns, helping you save time and effort. 

#5 Automation of Email Marketing Campaigns

Emails are a great means of communication, especially for the B2B sector. With CRM automation, you can define how emails will be rolled out once a lead lands and how it will be routed within the system. The frequency of follow-up emails can be pre-defined. On top of that, the sequence of email campaigns can be set based on the actions taken by the lead – like opening the previous email, not opening, not responding, etc. Email marketing can be simplified with an automated approach, helping your business focus on the core. 

#6 Remarketing Campaigns 

Remarketing campaigns are important for lead nurturing. And with automated strategies, you can periodically set it to automate it for the segregated databases, resulting in efficient utilization of the database. 

#7 Boost Team Productivity 

With most of the manual tasks being automated, your team gets to focus on the core activities and monitor the automated campaigns’ performance – resulting in better performance. 

#8 Integrate Chat Bots 

Chat Bots are great ways to answer the queries landing on your website or landing pages during offline hours. Every query is important for your business and should be addressed within a minimum timeline. How is that possible? Well, that’s why you need to have a chatbot that is fed with frequently asked questions to act as a primary means of communication in case an agent is unavailable. 

So, Over to you! 

After recalling all the essential benefits you can enjoy with Marketing automation, this is the right time for you to implement it for your business. Reduce your manual efforts and concentrate on the core activities of your business. Automate and relax! See the business grow! 

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