8 Easy Ways to Improve Your Mood at the Office and Have a Happier Work Day 

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These days it seems that all people talk about is work-related stress. Doctors blame stress for our bad health, psychologists blame stress for increased anxiety and depression, and even your friends may be complaining about stress being the cause of their bad mood and overall dissatisfaction at the workplace. 

Obviously, stress certainly is the number-one ailment of the modern employee. So, are there things we can do to alleviate the symptoms and improve our work-life experience? We would definitely say – yes! Here are some things you can do to improve your mood at work and fight off stress.

Take a short walk

When the work just seems like too much to handle, and you feel like you need a breather, take a short walk – either around the block, or at least around the building (if you are not permitted to leave). You would be surprised just how beneficial a short walk can be for your mood. The change of setting and light movement helps you detach yourself from work for a few minutes, decompress, and prepare yourself to successfully continue with your day. 

Have a good laugh

Nothing releases endorphins like a good laugh, so try to find things to laugh about. You can always have a laugh with your co-workers, or even take a few minutes to go online and find something to make you laugh, like a funny video or the chain of memes your friends sent you. Taking a few minutes off to destress and have a hearty laugh will boost your productivity, and make you more pleasant to work with.

Organize your workspace

Your space truly is a reflection of your mind, and that is a fact we swear by. A clear mind is reflected in a neat and tidy space, whereas a troubled mind is often mirrored by disorder and messiness. However, it also works the other way around, and your thoughts will be more orderly if you are in a well-organized space

So, take a few minutes to organize your desk, get rid of the stacks of papers and loose office supplies lying around that might be distracting. You will instantly feel better.


Meditation and mindfulness are becoming somewhat of a necessity in this fast-paced world, and for a good reason. They both help with managing your stress levels, which many believe to be the leading risk factor of most medical conditions and illnesses. There are numerous apps and online guides that can help you get started, and you can even do it on your coffee break. 

Brighten Up Your workspace

Studies have shown that employees who are allowed to decorate their own workspace are much more productive than those who have no say in it. If you can, ask your employer to let you remodel your office to your liking, or if you work in a joint workspace, consult with your colleagues about what you can do to brighten up your workspace. 

It can be as easy as bringing a dash of nature with an office plant hire, or painting the walls a different color. Bright colors, like yellow or green, give you something to rest your eyes on, and caring for plants can be a great meditation practice.

Play uplifting music

Similar to meditation, playing relaxing or even uplifting music can energize you and improve your mood. You have probably heard about the “fact” that listening to Mozart will make you smarter. Well, that is not entirely true. 

Actually, listening to any music you like increases your concentration and focus, so anyone that works at a high-demanding job will benefit from it. Also, certain music can even make you feel more confident and empowered, so you should try listening to some empowering jams before an important meeting.

Take on new challenges

Believe it or not, stress is not the only contributing factor to work displeasure. A lack of new challenges can make your job feel like a set of mundane tasks that you repeat every day. After a while, you will have tackled everything there is to know about your job, so eventually, you will get bored.

 Boredom is another great cause of displeasure at the workplace, so why not try taking on some new challenges? You could ask your employer for some extra responsibility, or to be transferred to a new position. Learning new skills builds your feeling of purpose, and raises confidence and self-esteem.  

Have nutritious meals

We often forget that the food we eat greatly impacts our mental well-being, just as much as it impacts our physical health. For lunch, you should bring foods that will not raise your blood sugar levels, since that may induce anxiety. 

A well-balanced meal that is light and full of healthy fats, carbs and protein is just what you need to nourish your body and fight stress. Also important, your afternoon snacks should be equally as nourishing and nutritious, if you want to prevent the usual afternoon mood dip.

In conclusion

Short breaks, healthy food, and plenty of laughter is the recipe that will help you improve your mood at work. Add to that taking on new inspiring challenges, and an organized workspace – et voila! You have yourself a whole new outlook on both your work experience and your life.

By Mike Johnston