A Video Marketer’s Guide For Businesses Looking to Build an Audience Using Instagram Stories

Instagram has always been more visually driven than other social media platforms. When they launched the Stories feature in 2016, this rang true again, and the results were exciting for content creators and businesses alike. 

In early 2019, Instagram reported over 500 million daily active Stories users worldwide. This was more than 100 million users from the previous year’s numbers.[1] It’s also been reported that at least 70% of Instagram users view Stories content every day and over 86% of Instagram users post Stories content.[2] 

Instagram has also surpassed Twitter for the number of businesses that use the platform, coming in at 71% of US-based businesses who can be found there.[3] Stories specifically are used by 36% of businesses specifically to promote products.[4] 

The tool is there, and it’s clear the people love it! It’s time to make sure businesses and brands are using this channel to build a social media audience. Here are a few tips and tricks to employ to get more traction on Instagram. 

Use Location Stickers and Tags

Checking in and tagging geographic locations in Stories will trigger awareness of the profile for location-based searches and hashtags. Leveraging a geographic location is an easy way to boost exposure and awareness by reaching beyond the existing follower list and into platform search results. 

If you’re a local brick-and-mortar location, share your Instagram handle and ask customers to check in or share your location tag. This generates highly click-worthy User Generated Content (UGC) that reaches new audience members and encourages engagement. 

Create Interactive Stories Content

Boring scripted video content that is plain or not interactive will not be as appealing to those new to your profile or looking into who you are and what you’re about. Stick with strong video marketing content for the best results. Stories provide a myriad of interactive features for brands to create an opportunity to engage with their audience. Use them all! 

Ask Questions In Stories

The Questions feature is a fun way to collect data from the audience as well as interact organically. From asking for tips and tricks to getting their feedback on specific topics or products, their answers are anonymously sharable and can create a further dialogue with other viewers. 

Take Polls In Stories

Similar to Questions, Polls are a “yes or no” or “option one or option two” questions to present to the viewers. Leave it up for the full 24 hours to get the most results possible. The winning answer is sharable and provides an opportunity for follow-up. Those who voted will want to know which option won. 

Video Content Is King For Stories

Over the last few years, 87% of marketers report the ROI of video content to be overwhelmingly satisfying[5], and in 83% of cases, using stickers in Instagram Stories enhances the video’s overall performance.[6] 

In another survey conducted by marketing professionals, 32% reported the most effective way to generate leads from marketing videos was to leverage links to landing pages from social media video production ad campaigns. 

Use Hashtags In Stories Content

Hashtags are the topical search feature that works across platforms but includes Instagram Stories. Use the hashtag sticker in your Stories content to become discoverable in topical searches. You can also add hashtags manually with the pound sign as plain text on the Stories, and this will achieve the same purpose. 

Users who are looking for content related to specific products, brands, locations, events, pop culture references, people, or movements can find relevant posts and Stories if they’re appropriately hash-tagged. 

Don’t Forget To Use The Captions Sticker

Did you know that 69% of consumers watch videos online with the sound off?[7] If you don’t do this yourself, you probably know someone who does. It’s convenient when in a shared or public space without headphones.

Instead of risking viewers skipping past videos that are silent with no indication of what it’s about, add captions so they can be read as well as watched. While this is an easy way to ensure the intent of your content is still consumed, it’s also essential for increasing accessibility and inclusion. 

Leverage Ads On Stories

Instagram allows advertisers to create Stories ads. These 15-second slides are most effective as videos and will appear between content from other profiles the viewer already follows. 

This is a paid strategy that’s highly effective for reaching out to new platform users and potential customers. It’s a surefire way to generate more eyeballs. Use the call to action strategically to collect more followers, not just “Like this post.”

User-Generated Content Ads

Consumers, influencers, and content creators are your strongest brand champions. When your brand or location is tagged in their Stories, not only does this expose the brand to new audiences, but you’ll also be notified. 

As consumers are already creating content and engaging with your brand, this is a priceless opportunity for you to share it in your Stories as well. It doesn’t stop there! Instagram will offer a simple one-click option for them to share your “Mention” back to their story, and the awareness can snowball from there. 

Optimize Activity To Get On The Explore Feed

The Explore feed on Instagram is a powerful visibility tool. This feed consists of content served by the Instagram algorithm that’s been customized for each user. Content includes Stories, videos, and photos. 

It’s an opportunity to reach new audiences without paid ads, but it does require some strategic optimizations. According to Instagram, they collect content suggestions for each user in the Explore feed based on these four parameters:[8]

  • How many others engage with the content
  • Your profile’s history of interacting with the poster
  • Your activity
  • How others interact with the poster

Posting regularly, staying engaged with your own content and followers, as well as leveraging a strong and consistent hashtag strategy is the best way to be featured in the Explore feed. 

Build an Audience Using Instagram Stories Videos!

The power of video combined with the reach and engagement of Stories can help brands like yours grow their audience on Instagram. Start today!

Author Bio: 

Torrey Tayenaka

Torrey Tayenaka is the co-founder and CEO at Sparkhouse, a training video production agency. He is often asked to contribute expertise in publications like Entrepreneur, Single Grain and Forbes. Sparkhouse is known for transforming video marketing and advertising into real conversations.Rather than hitting the consumer over the head with blatant ads, Sparkhouse creates interesting, entertaining and useful videos that enrich the lives of his clients’ customers. In addition to Sparkhouse, Torrey has also founded the companies Eva Smart Shower, Litehouse & Forge54.