Creative Backyard Pool Ideas on a Budget

Are you tired of sweating your buns off in the summer and longing for a refreshing dip in a pool, but you can’t afford it?

A backyard pool can be a refreshing escape from the summer heat and a fun way to spend time with friends and family. However, traditional pool designs and installations can be costly.

This article will explore creative backyard pool designs on a budget, from repurposing materials to choosing low-maintenance features that inspire you to create your backyard oasis.

Inexpensive Pool Options

Some budget-friendly pool ideas can provide a refreshing and enjoyable pool experience. These may not be the fanciest, but they’ll do the job to keep you cool.  

Above-Ground Pools

If you’re looking for a more traditional pool option, above-ground pools are a budget-friendly alternative to in-ground pools. These pools can range from small kiddie pools to larger models, with prices starting at around $1,500. Not only are they more affordable than in-ground pools, but they also require less time and money to install.

Above-ground pools can also be a great option if you rent your home or want a temporary pool installation in your backyard. You can easily disassemble and store them away for the winter or move them to a new location if needed.

Inflatable Pools

Inflatable pools are the way to go for those on a tight budget and looking for a quick and easy pool option. These pools can cost as little as $50 and are available in various sizes and shapes, from small kiddie pools to larger family-sized pools.

While inflatable pools might not provide the same durability and longevity as other pool options, they can still be a fun and refreshing way to beat the heat during the summer months.

In-Ground Pools

Aside from aesthetics, installing an inground pool provides many advantages to your home and family. Having one fitted can add value to your home, especially in warmer areas where pools are in high demand. There are an endless amount of options for how you can have an inground pool laid out too, especially when employing the services of experienced custom inground pool builders Premier Pools & Spas (or another provider similar in your area). You can have a variety of shapes and finishes in order to match your homes aesthetics, as well as one that works for the level of upkeep you can perform.

Budget-Friendly Pool Landscaping

Some of the best pool ideas are affordable and don’t compromise on ambiance and aesthetics. With some budget-friendly landscaping options, you can create a tranquil and relaxing pool area that won’t break the bank.

One option is to use potted plants and container gardens to add some greenery to your pool area. These can be easily moved and rearranged to make different looks and styles. You can also opt for low-maintenance plants, such as succulents and cacti, that require minimal watering and upkeep.

Low-Cost Pool Maintenance

Proper chemical balance is essential to keeping your pool clean and safe. Rather than relying on expensive pool store chemicals, you can opt for more natural and affordable alternatives, such as baking soda, vinegar, and borax. 

Regular cleaning and upkeep are also essential to maintaining your pool. You can use a pool skimmer to remove leaves and debris from the water’s surface and a pool vacuum to clean the bottom of the pool.

Energy-Efficient Pool Pumps

Pool pumps are a must-have to keep your pool clean and healthy. But they can also be a huge energy drain. If you’re tired of watching your energy bill go up every summer, it’s time to consider an energy-efficient pool pump.

These pumps use less energy to operate, so you’ll save money on your energy bill. They also tend to be quieter and last longer than traditional pool pumps. Some energy companies offer rebates or incentives for purchasing them.

Solar-Powered Pool Heaters

If you live in an area with plenty of sunshine, a solar-powered pool heater can be an excellent investment. Not only will it help you save money on your energy bill, but it will also extend your swimming season. 

Solar-powered pool heaters use the sun’s energy to heat the water in your pool. They are easy to install and can be purchased at most pool supply stores.

Creative Poolside Entertainment

One of the best things about having a backyard pool is the opportunity to entertain family and friends. But if you’re on a budget, you might be worried about how to make your poolside gatherings fun and memorable without spending a lot of money. Here are a few ideas:

Outdoor Kitchen and Bar Area

If you’re a fan of grilling and outdoor cooking, consider creating an outdoor kitchen and bar area near your pool. You can save money by building your own using inexpensive materials like cinder blocks and wood planks. Add a few bar stools, a small fridge, and essential cooking equipment, and you’ll have everything you need to whip up delicious meals and drinks all summer.

Poolside Game Zone

Who said you have to spend a lot of money to have fun by the pool? With creativity, you can turn your pool area into a game zone that will keep you and your guests entertained for hours. 

Using wood planks and bean bags, you can make your cornhole or bean bag toss game.. Or you can ring your favorite board games and play them on a table near the pool. These are great ways to get your guests involved in some friendly competition


When you have incredible pool designs to draw inspiration from, having a backyard pool won’t be an expensive and unattainable dream.