Different Types of Acne & How to Treat Them

Acne is a common skin condition that affects many people, regardless of age or gender. It can be a source of frustration and embarrassment, leaving individuals feeling self-conscious about their appearance. From small whiteheads and blackheads to large, painful cysts and nodules, the appearance of acne can vary greatly. 

With so many over-the-counter and prescription treatments available, it can be challenging to know which is best for you. This article will look closely at the different types of acne and the most effective ways to treat them. From lifestyle changes to topical and oral medications, we’ll explore all the options available to help you achieve clear, healthy skin. 

Whether you’re struggling with adult acne or hormonal breakouts, this guide will provide the information you need to make an informed decision about your skincare.

1. Hormonal Acne

Hormonal acne is caused by hormone fluctuations, usually during adolescence, pregnancy, and menopause. It is characterized by deep, cystic breakouts on the lower face and jawline. It can be particularly stubborn and difficult to treat, as it is caused by hormone changes such as androgens, which increase oil production in the skin. This excess oil can clog the pores, leading to the formation of comedones and inflammation.

Vaping CBD can be an effective way to treat hormonal acne as it has anti-inflammatory properties that can help to reduce the inflammation caused by hormonal acne. The CBD in the vape oil can target the affected area directly, reducing the redness and inflammation.

In addition, CBD can also help to reduce the production of sebum, the oil that clogs the pores and causes acne. The KindPen Cart Pen is an example of a vape pen that can be used to deliver CBD directly to the affected area. It is portable, discreet, and easy to use. It is designed to vaporize CBD oil and deliver it to the bloodstream through inhalation.  The CBD can be quickly and efficiently absorbed into the bloodstream, allowing fast and effective relief. You can start with 3 gram vape carts for easier recharges.

It is important to note that while vaping CBD can be beneficial for hormonal acne, it should not be used as a sole treatment and should be used in conjunction with other acne treatments recommended by a dermatologist.

2. Whiteheads and Blackheads

Whiteheads and blackheads are the most common types of acne. They are caused by a buildup of oil and dead skin cells that clog the pores. Whiteheads are closed comedones, meaning the pore is completely blocked, and the top of the bump is white. 

On the other hand, blackheads are open comedones, where the pore is partially blocked, and the top of the bump is dark. Both comedones can appear on the face, neck, chest, and back.

Treatment for white and blackheads often includes using over-the-counter products containing salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. These ingredients help to unclog the pores and reduce inflammation. Salicylic acid is a beta hydroxy acid (BHA) that exfoliates the skin and penetrates deep into the pores to remove excess oil and dead skin cells.

Benzoyl peroxide is an antimicrobial agent that kills the bacteria that cause acne. It is also essential to maintain a regular cleansing routine twice a day and exfoliate once or twice a week to help prevent the formation of new comedones.

3. Papules and Pustules

Papules and pustules are similar to white and blackheads but are slightly more severe. They are characterized by red, inflamed bumps that may be painful to the touch. Papules are small, solid, and raised bumps that are not filled with pus. 

Conversely, pustules are raised bumps filled with pus and have a white or yellow center. Both papules and pustules are caused by a buildup of oil and dead skin cells that clog the pores and lead to an infection.

Treatment for papules and pustules often includes using over-the-counter products containing retinoids, which are derivatives of vitamin A. These ingredients help to unclog the pores and reduce inflammation. They also help to increase cell turnover, which can prevent the formation of new comedones. Topical retinoids such as tretinoin, adapalene, and tazarotene are commonly used. It is also important to avoid picking or squeezing the bumps, as this can lead to scarring.

It is important to note that if your acne is severe or persistent, it is best to consult a dermatologist for personalized advice and treatment. A topical and oral medications combination may be necessary for the best results. They may also recommend additional steps, such as chemical peels or light therapy, to improve your skin condition.

4. Nodules and Cysts

Nodules and cysts are the most severe types of acne. They are characterized by large, painful bumps deep under the skin. Nodules are hard, painful lumps located deep within the skin, while cysts are large, fluid-filled sacs located just beneath the skin’s surface. Both are caused by a combination of genetics, hormones, and bacteria. They can cause significant inflammation and, if left untreated, can lead to scarring.

Treatment for nodules and cysts often includes oral medications such as antibiotics or isotretinoin. Antibiotics reduce the number of bacteria on the skin, while isotretinoin is a retinoid that helps unclog the pores and reduce inflammation. You can also visit a clinical facialist to undergo a skin treatment designed to address acne by improving your skin health.

Before taking any prescribed medication, it is important to note that isotretinoin is powerful with serious side effects and should only be used under the supervision of a dermatologist. Topical treatments may also be used with oral medications to help reduce inflammation and promote healing.

5. Adult Acne

Adult acne is becoming more and more common, and persistent breakouts characterize it in people over 25. It can be caused by various factors, including stress, hormonal changes, and genetics. Adult acne can be particularly frustrating as it can persist despite using over-the-counter treatments.

Treatment for adult acne often includes a combination of topical treatments, oral medications, and lifestyle changes. Topical retinoids, benzoyl peroxide, and salicylic acid can help unclog the pores and reduce inflammation. Oral medications such as antibiotics and hormonal or Testosterone Replacement Therapy may also be prescribed to help control the underlying causes of acne.

In addition, lifestyle changes such as reducing stress, maintaining a healthy diet, and avoiding triggers such as harsh skincare products, can also help manage adult acne.


Acne is a common skin condition that can affect anyone at any stage of their life. Understanding the different types of acne, its causes, and symptoms is the key to finding the right treatment. From vaping CBD to using over-the-counter products, many options are available to help you achieve clear, healthy skin. It is essential to consult a dermatologist to determine the best treatment plan for your individual needs. 

Remember that clear skin is not an overnight process. It requires patience, consistency, and the right approach. With the right treatment plan and a healthy lifestyle, you can say goodbye to acne and hello to a beautiful, clear complexion.