There’s too much digital noise in every person’s life today. This hassle prevents you from doing meaningful things and making informed, conscious choices about pastimes online. A good solution to this problem of digital overload and time waste has come with the advent of the digital minimalism lifestyle. This approach to using technology focuses on the choice of valuable, meaningful apps and networks for your free time and work. Digital minimalists prioritize high-quality pastimes offline and strive to develop a healthy relationship with technology without becoming its slaves.
To become a digital minimalist, you should first go through extensive preparatory work on the reassessment of your attitudes and unconscious beliefs about the digital pastime. The realm of apps and commercial products has done a good job convincing people that they miss out on something important if they spend an hour or two without their devices. Thus, your main task is to take a step back and look at the time you waste on low-quality apps, games, or social media. Once you realize the waste and oust the most time-draining activities from your list, it’s time to find exciting offline activities and make friends offline.
Resistance to abandoning technology and online communication networks can be strong at first. Intense technology use makes your attention fragmented, preventing you from concentrating on things that matter. Still, you should keep in mind that it is you who chooses how to spend time, and only you can add value to your activities. Thus, as soon as you realize that you’re drowning amid the digital clutter and need to optimize your online time, you’re making the first step toward digital minimalism.
Don’t think of digital minimalism as complete neglect of the gains of technology and a return to prehistoric times. It only means you control tech use and make it serve you, not vice versa. By removing clutter in your devices and emails, you can see it clear that online life may take much less time, offering more space for exciting offline communication and travel. Use the handy guide we’ve prepared in the infographic below to step on the path of digital detox and proper arrangement of offline and online activities.
Text editors are present in all existing software, in such or another form. They are fundamental to any documentary, technical, and research work. But you won’t understand the pros and cons of existing digital tools without knowing their evolution through time.
The origins of computing go beyond information-processing machines. A typewriter was the grand-grandmother of Microsoft Word and helped Mark Twain produce his literary legacy. Still, it was far from perfect. You had to type the text repeatedly whenever you wanted to correct something.
Software-based tools made editing possible, along with currently habitual features of formatting, margins, and page breaking. And most importantly, this history demonstrates how critical user-friendliness is for popularizing a software product.
Text typing and editing are continuously improved. The existing editors will keep adapting to the ever-changing reality. New programs will appear, replacing their predecessors. Learn the lesson of software evolution with the infographic below.

This infographic was originally posted on Business Essay