How Businesses Are Finding Employees During Covid 19


What are your Covid19 staffing requirements? Do you know what jobs need to be filled now and in the future? 

What Titles Need to Be Fulfilled?

One interesting question posed by some companies is this – Should you have your temporary staff choose their own titles? This idea has been bounced around lately by creative firms, as titles do carry some social impact, whether a job role happens to be permanent or temporary.

Just be careful that employees don’t over-title themselves. Let’s face it, when it comes to Covid19 staffing or hiring employees, in general, an employee without math skills, who calls himself a CFO, is over-titled. Therefore, you need to make sure the title an employee chooses is realistic or makes sense.

With that being said, allowing temporary employees to choose their own title can help you attract top talent and foster a sense of pride and positivity in your business’s culture. 

Finding Employees – Why Skills Matter

So, can self-imposed job titles make it easier to recruit a temporary or permanent staff during Covid19? Let’s look at how employee self-titling can hurt or help a business.

  • Job titles have major social implications in some business settings. Some workers, even temporary workers, will accept a job that pays less money if their title is more impressive.
  • However, an inflated job title, as noted, may become problematic. This is especially true if your business expands, and you must bring staff onboard whose skills match some of the titles employees have already given themselves.
  • While a creative job title may be interesting or fun, it can cause some confusion with respect to seniority. This may make it difficult for an employee who tries to apply for a job at another company.

Writing the Rules for Titling While Searching for Talent

If you are hiring and looking for employees during Covid19, the best way to encourage them to choose  a title is to design a rule book for titling. . Also, you need to impose the following rules when finding employees for Covid19 period jobs:

  • Ask applicants what skills they are bringing to the table, regardless of whether they are applying for temporary or permanent employment.
  • Ask each applicant what makes them stand out next to job candidates.
  • Encourage an applicant to share why they are applying for a temporary position, then ask them if they are interested in securing permanent employment.

The answer to the first question will give an applicant a better insight when choosing his or her business title. As long as you work with a dependable temporary staffing agency for your Covid19 staffing requirements, you will find that you can allow employees to successfully create their own titles. You will also fulfill job orders that will enable your business to expand and keeping growing at the rates you project.