People who achieve leadership success in their fields, those that reach the top levels, understand a key concept. In order to achieve any leadership success, they must first focus on their personal development and growth. They develop a conscientious plan for their personal growth first before they can work on the growth of others.

There are times when your leadership skills will be challenged. If you have the solid foundations of skills that you have built through personal development, it will make those challenges easier to solve.

Here are some of those skills that I will be covering on this blog:

  • Emotional Intelligence skills – a set of skills that allow for the ability to; identify, understand and manage emotions in positive ways. This concept quickly grew in popularity as millions of people gained advantage in key areas such as: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management.
  • The Power of Goal Setting – There is a popular Harvard study on goal setting that interviewed the 1979 MBA graduating program. This study revealed that only 3% of the graduating class had written goals. This same 3% were earning, on average, ten times as much as the other 97% of the class combined! There are thousands of other examples. This alone is enough to peak interest and want to understand more the power of goal setting.
  • Understanding your Personal Philosophy – The first step in any personal development journey is to start in getting to know yourself. What is your life philosophy? What is important to you? Do you have a personal vision? In order to get to where you want to go, start with knowing where you are.
  • Time Management Skills – The ability to get the right things done at the right time is essential in achieving your goals.
  • Leadership Skills – This topic covers a wide range of areas such as; communication skills, listening skills, coaching skills, creating an effective development plan, remote management skills, the skill to match the right management style according to the needs of your team and so much more.

This list will adapt as the blog increases in momentum.

There is a quote from a famous personal development leader that summarizes this post beautifully.

“You must work harder on yourself, than you do at your job. Why? To make an investment in your future” – Jim Rohn

This blog is about learning to work harder on yourself (personal development), in order to lead effectively (leadership) and inspire people to reach new levels (development of other).

They all tie in together, thus the development of this blog:


Which area do you currently face the most challenges; leadership, Growth or development?


  1. Very good point you have there.Thank you very much for this article, it was very helpful!

  2. Interesting points here! I believe the whole thought applies not only to leaders but to all people (who have a dream, who wants to be better than he was before) in general. 🙂

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