How Long Does a Personal Injury Case Take?


“How long does a personal injury case take?” is a common question in personal injury law. An individual may be waiting for recompense to cover medical bills, everyday bills due to loss of the ability to work, or even funeral fees for wrongful death suits. The answer differs and is dependent on several main factors. Some of these are outlined below, though this isn’t an exhaustive list. Keep in mind that not all lawyers are the same, and some offer a variety of services. If you’ve been injured, you’ll want to look for a personal injury lawyer. Moreover, Dallas Lawyers can also guide you well in this regard.

There is no precise timeline of how lengthy cases can be, but it’s fair to say several months to several years, depending upon the individual’s personal experience and the location of the incident. Finding competent representation can also play a part in the length of time until you see a settlement.

How Long Did You Require Medical Treatment?

It’s important to be faithful in your notation and documentation of the events and the repercussions after the accident. Are you required to do physical therapy weekly? Were you required to have surgery that has a long recovery time? Is it difficult to perform your role in your job? Did you lose any wages after the accident?

Adhering to the treatment plan that you’re given is important, as is following through with the treatment plan prescribed by the medical professional tending to your recovery. To resolve your case, we need to know when you’re “better,” having reached the optimal improvement. Cases that involve clients who have to undergo surgical procedures and anything that has an extended or unknown recovery time will be longer.

To What Extent Are Your Injuries?

Did you have whiplash? A concussion? Traumatic brain injury? Were you put under and operated on? What did that mean for you at the time, and what is going on at present because of it? The extent of the injuries sustained and the time required to heal combined with following all recommended courses of physical therapy and doctors’ appointments contribute to the amount of time it will take to come to a settlement. These answers will help build your case. With the help of photographic documentation, the timeline of your injury and the recovery process you’re experiencing can determine when a personal injury case can be successfully resolved.

Liability Concerns

Are both parties contesting the reality of how the accident happened? If the case is clear and concise, and the people involved are accountable and forthcoming, then cases can usually get settled more quickly. If it is clear who is at fault in the cause of the accident, the case will also usually conclude speedier, but if there is doubt still and the parties aren’t agreeing, the proceedings can be expected to be longer. In such a case, one must take the help of injury lawyers as they can help make the other party agree to the terms based on their professional strategies. Victims of personal injuries often seek the help of personal injury attorneys Hipskind & McAninch LLC to get their injury claims in a short period.

For example, if the accident occurred at an intersection, and both individuals involved are claiming that they had a green light, then the case will be drawn out until the reality of the circumstances come to light. This takes investigative action, time, and energy to find out if there were any cameras at the intersection, discuss things with witnesses, and pursue all routes to discover the truth.

How Complex Is the Case?

How many persons were involved in the accident? For instance, a case where there were only two cars and three witnesses involved will conclude much more quickly than a four-car pileup with a dozen witnesses, three of whom saw something differing from the rest of the witnesses. Likewise, if there was a construction accident that involved numerous individuals and labor law issues, then a complex case like this will likely take longer than a car accident.

However you look at it, the complexity of the case will depend on multiple factors, including the number of individuals involved and how many legal representatives are required to show up and present their side of a case.

Where Did the Accident Take Place, and What Kind of Case Is It?

This isn’t something that is acknowledged as often in personal injury cases since this is something that is a bit out of everyone’s hands, but sometimes when an accident happens in a bigger city, these cases can take longer because there are likely more cases happening at the same time. Additionally, there are factors like the number of judges available to preside over personal injury cases that can affect the efficiency and duration of time for the case to be resolved.

Although the aim of a personal injury claim is to receive restitution for the bills and time lost from work, there are still some cases where an individual won’t receive a personal injury settlement. Most attorneys will make it clear that they don’t get paid unless you receive a settlement, but be aware of this when you hire a lawyer and not at the end of things.

It’s also important to be aware of where your accident occurred for the simple fact that this changes what kind of lawyer you might need to hire. For instance, if you are a worker and the injury happened in your place of work, it’s likely going to be important that you seek the help of qualified injured workers compensation attorney bakersfield california, as that way you are much more likely to get exactly the help you are looking for.

If a lawyer is going to negotiate further and not accept the first offer, then expect that your case will last potentially months longer. That said, it can also be said that if you don’t accept the first offer and instead have your attorney fight for you, then it’s likely that your settlement will be higher.

If you or someone you care about has been injured in a car accident, was hurt or maimed on the job, or received another type of personal injury, it’s important to seek competent representation.

At Warren Allen LLP, we have personal injury lawyers who are ready to hear your case and help you fight for a solid settlement. Don’t look any further for an attorney who will put you and your needs first. Contact Warren Allen LLP today.