9 Ways Businesses Can Help Employees Eat Well and Move More

Organizations have a duty to look after the well-being of their workforce. Different stats have highlighted how companies can boost employees’ satisfaction and retention rates by taking proactive steps to improve their workers’ wellness.

Actions aimed at improving your employees’ health can range from providing access to nutritious food options in the workplace to encouraging little behavioral changes during the day to organizing events and activities dedicated to wellness, sport, and fitness. 

Let’s focus on nine effective ways employers can encourage their workers to eat well and move more.

#1 Make Sure Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Are Available at All Time

Fruits and vegetables are among the healthiest foods available. They contain essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. Therefore, employers should make sure their employees have access to them at all times. They can do so by stocking up fresh produce in an open area for employees to grab it from throughout the day. This makes it easier for them to have access to their favorite fruits and veggies any time they’re feeling hungry. 

Employers should also consider rotating seasonal produce throughout the year so that there is always something new and exciting available for their workers to eat.

#2 Provide Healthy Snacks in the Workplace

While fruit and vegetables should be one the cornerstone of your employees’ diet, not all workers like them enough to eat them regularly. For this reason, employers should make sure there is a wider range of healthy snacks, like carb free foods, available to satisfy all palates.  

These may include nuts, seeds, and yogurt. It’s best to avoid food that is excessively processed, fried, or high in sugar so that employees don’t end up with a bad case of mid-afternoon crashes. 

Keep in mind that many producers offer healthy alternatives to popular junk food that are also allergy-friendly. Snacks like sea salt pea protein chips and gluten-free granola bars can offer employees a similar taste experience as traditional chips or candy but without all the unhealthy ingredients.

#3 Make Refreshing Drinks Easily Accessible

Making sure workers have enough access to healthy, refreshing drinks is also important. Staying hydrated in the workplace is crucial, as it can help boost productivity and concentration and avoid excessive fatigue. First of all, employers should make sure there are plenty of plain water coolers in the office at all times. Water is the most crucial element for our health and well-being, so it’s important to keep it stocked. 

You can also consider offering herbal tea and low-calorie fruit drinks so that your team members can stay hydrated without resorting to sugary sodas.

#4 Organize Healthy Cooking Sessions

Another way to encourage healthy eating habits among your workforce is by organizing cooking sessions in which only healthy ingredients are used. It can be a great team-bonding activity, as well as an opportunity to learn about healthy recipes. The aim of it should be for your employees to learn how to cook tasty dishes with mostly whole ingredients. 

Logistically, organizing a healthy cooking session can be as easy as reserving the kitchen for a few hours and inviting some experienced chefs to show your team members how to prepare dishes with healthy ingredients. One of the main goals of these sessions is to leave your employees inspired so that they will be more likely to cook healthy meals when they go home.

#5 Set Up Walking Work Meetings

Walking work meetings are a great way to boost the well-being of your workforce. First of all, they provide an opportunity for employees to get some fresh air and exercise. Moreover, they are also great for boosting creativity and productivity. 

Walking work meetings are also an excellent way for employees to bond with their coworkers. These meetings could be set up for activities that don’t require the use of devices or other office tools, for example, brainstorming sessions and open team discussions.

#6 Encourage Outdoor Activities During Breaks

Motivating your workers to engage in outdoor activities during breaks is another great way to boost their mental and physical health. Taking a break from the office and spending time out in the open can help reduce stress and anxiety, improve concentration, strengthen immunity, and enhance creativity. Studies have shown that being outside can reduce stress levels, cortisol levels, muscle tension, and heart rates.

#7 Offer Discounts on Gym Memberships and Fitness classes

Discounts on gym memberships and fitness classes are a very effective way for employers to encourage physical activity in their employees. It also shows workers that their health and well-being are valued by the company, which can generate increased job satisfaction and improved morale in the workplace. Employers may even go a step further and offer incentives or rewards for employees who use the discounts they provide. 

For example, companies could offer a reward for each month that an employee uses their discounted gym membership or fitness class pass. This would encourage other employees to take advantage of the discounts provided by their employer and further promote healthy habits in the workplace.

#8 Organize Wellness Retreats with Sport Activities

Wellness retreats are an increasingly popular way for employers to promote physical and mental health in the workplace. These retreats can also include sports activities, such as volleyball, tennis, swimming, and yoga, as well as lectures on nutrition, meditation, and other topics related to health. These activities can also encourage team building and collaboration among colleagues. Employers should consider the type of sports activity that would best suit their employees’ needs. 

For example, if the majority of the employees are new to physical activity, then a low-impact activity such as yoga or pilates may be more suitable. On the other hand, if the employees are already physically active, then employers could consider more challenging activities such as rock climbing or running races.

#9 Encourage Fitness Challenges

In an office fitness challenge, employees can compete against each other in physical activity, such as a race or a tennis game. This helps your workers stay healthy while also encouraging friendly competition. Fitness challenges can also have rewards associated with them, such as prizes for the winners or discounts on products and services. This helps motivate employees to stay active and can lead to improved employee morale and performance.